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Grandinetti, Dario, 8
Grass, Günther, 21–22
Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner, The (1974), 43
Greenberg, Richard, 6
Greengrass, Paul, 92
Greenwood, Bruce, 93, 94
Green Zone (2010), 92
Grey, Joel, 33, 33
Griffith, D. W., 13, 171n9
Grosz, George, 33–34
Guardian, 91, 115, 149
Guernica (Picasso), 25
Hackman, Gene, 136, 138, 138, 139
Haddad, Rodney Al, 116
Hagar, 132
Haggis, Paul, 96
Hallström, Lasse, The Shipping News (2001), 56, 69–70, 159
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 127
Harris, Ed, 134–135, 147
Harry and Tonto (1974), 75
Has, Wojciech, The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973), 76, 123–124
Hatami, Leila, 111, 113
Hawke, Ethan, 93, 95
“Heart Asks Pleasure First, The” (song), 46
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 74, 80, 82–83
Helfgott, David, 70–72
Henry and June (1990), 27
Henry, Buck, 40, 40
Herrmann, Bernard, 78
Herr, Michael, 82, 83–84
Herzog, Werner, 44; Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), 40–43; The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser (1974), 41; Fitzcarraldo (1982), 42
Heston, Charlton, 37–39, 38
Hicks, Scott, Shine (1996), 56, 70–72, 170n9
Hiroshima, mon amour (1959), 12, 55, 58–61, 59, 62–63
Hitchcock, Alfred: North by Northwest (1959), 7; Psycho (1960), 1–2, 6, 37, 78, 122, 143, 144–146; Vertigo (1958), 6, 78–79
Hitler, Adolf, 61, 63, 86, 88
Hoberman, J., 92
Hoffman, Dustin, 32, 76, 77
Hojeily, Jihad, 116
Holden, William, 152
Holland, Agnieszka, 49–54; Angry Harvest (1985), 49, 50, 51; In Darkness (2011), 49–53, 169n11
Horak, Jan-Christopher, 6
Hosseini, Shahab, 112
Hourglass Sanatorium, The (1973), 76, 123–124, 124
Hugo, Victor, 2
Hunter, Holly, 44, 45, 97, 168n7
Hurt Locker, The (2009), 92, 93–94
I Am a Camera (Van Druten), 33
Iglesias, Alberto, 8
Imitation Game, The (2014), 151
In Darkness (2011), 49–53, 52, 169n11
In the Sewers of Lvov (Marshall), 49–50
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), 141
Irons, Jeremy, 168n7
Irving, Amy, 98
Isaac, 132
Isherwood, Christopher, 33
Ishmael, 132, 173n4
Jacob, Irène, 68
Jacobs, Robert Nelson, 69
James Bond films, 6–7
Janáček, Leoš, 30–31
Jannacci, Enzo, 61–62
Janney, Allison, 154
Jarre, Maurice, 22
“J’attendrai” (“I will wait”) (song), 103, 104
Jones, January, 93
Kalari, Mahmoud, 114
Kanal (1956), 52
Kasdan, Lawrence, 96
Katyn (2007), 53
Kaufman, Philip: Henry and June (1990), 27; Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978), 141; Quills (2000), 2–3, 27–28, 141; The Right Stuff (1983), 12, 97, 141; Rising Sun (1993), 122, 141–144; The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1987), 14–15, 26–31, 81, 141
Keats, John, 47–49
Keitel, Harvey, 46
Kempley, Rita, 86
Keneally, Thomas, 63
Kennedy, John F., 6
Kershner, Irvin, 138
Kessler, Simon, 86
Kieślowski, Krzysztof, 53; Blind Chance (1987), 148; The Decalogue (1989), 12, 96–97, 115–116, 148; The Double Life of Veronique (1991), 66; Three Colors: Red (1994), 12, 56, 57, 66–69
Kilar, Wojciech, 9, 148
Kingsley, Ben, 11, 65
Kinnear, Greg, 101
Kinski, Klaus, 42, 43
Klimov, Elem, Come and See (1985), 73, 84–89
Knife in the Water (1962), 8–9
Komasa-Łazarkiewicz, Antoni, 52–53, 169n11
Komeda, Krzysztof, 8–9
Korczak (1990), 50
Koteas, Elias, 100, 100
Kravchenko, Aleksei, 84
Kravitz, Zoë, 94
Kroll, Jack, 26
Kubrick, Stanley: Barry Lyndon (1975), 76; Dr. Strangelove (1964), 61; Paths of Glory (1957), 3–4; 2001: A Space Odyssey (2000), 43, 55
Kundera, Milan, 14–15, 26–31
Kusturica, Emir, 10–11
Labaki, Nadine: Caramel (2008), 172–173n14; Where Do We Go Now? (2011), 116–121
Lady in the Lake, The (1947), 74
Lady in the Lake, The (Chandler), 74
Lambrakis, Grigoris, 56, 57
Lane, Anthony, 112–113
Lanzmann, Claude, 89
Last Detail, The (1973), 75
Last Emperor, The (1987), 17
Last Tango in Paris (1972), 74
Léaud, Jean-Pierre, 107
Lebanon (2009), 73, 89–92, 93
Lee, Spike, Do the Right Thing (1989), 11, 96
Lehman, Ernest, 74–75
Leigh, Janet, 37–39, 38, 144–145
Lenny (1974), 75, 141
Leone, Sergio, 10
Letter, The (1940), 36
“Lili Marleen” (song), 104
Linney, Laura, 146, 147
Little Miss Sunshine (2006), 101
Live and Become (2005), 120
long take, 35–54; Aguirre, the Wrath of God (1972), 40–43; Bazin and, 35, 36; Bright Star (2009), 47–49; In Darkness (2011), 49–53; The Godfather (1972), 35–36; The Letter (1940), 36; The Piano (1993), 44–47; The Player (1992), 39–40; Touch of Evil (1958), 36–39
Look of Silence, The (2015), 4–5, 5
Lord of War (2005), 93
Los Angeles Times, 133
Love and Death (1975), 76
Lubitsch, Ernst, 146
Lucas, George, 82
Lumet, Sidney, 61, 76
Lustig, Branko, 66
Luther, Igor, 21
Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 120
Macbeth (Shakespeare), 126–127
Mad Men (AMC television series), 7
Magnolia (1999), 13, 96
Mahabarata (1989), 26
Malick, Terrence: Badlands (1974), 159–162; Days of Heaven (1978), 159, 162; The Thin Red Line (1998), 88
Mamet, David, 5
Manchevski, Milcho, Before the Rain (1994), 124–129, 132, 173n8
Mann, Anthony, 92
Man with the Golden Arm, The (1955), 6
Manz, Linda, 159
Maoz, Samuel, Lebanon (2009), 73, 89–92, 93
Marcus, Millicent, 15
Marshall, Robert, 49–50
Maslin, Janet, 80
Matewan (1987), 96
McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971), 10
McConaughey, Matthew, 98
Meat Loaf, 156
Mendelsohn, Eric, 3 Backyards (2010), 99–101
Mendes, Sam, American Beauty (1999), 153–156, 157–159
Men in War (1957), 92
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 2
Metropolitan (1990), 104
Metty, Russell, 37
“Michelle” (song), 106
Midnight Cowboy (1969), 170n5
Mihăileanu, Radu, The Source (2011), 119–121
Miles, Vera, 145
Milius, John, 82
Miller, Henry, 27
Minghella, Anthony, 12, 166n6
Mironova, Olga, 85
Mirren, Helen, 3
misdirection/visual narration, 122–149; Ajami (2009), 124, 129–133; The Conversation (1974), 133, 137–141, 143; Under Fire (1983), 133–137; The Hourglass Sanatorium (1973), 123–124; Psycho (1960), 143, 144–146; Before the Rain (1994), 124–128; Rising Sun (1993), 141–144; The Truman Show (1998), 146–149
Missing (1982
), 58
Mission, The (1986), 10, 168n7
Mitevska, Labina, 125
Moaadi, Peyman, 111, 113
montage, 55–72; Bazin and, 35; Hiroshima, mon amour (1959), 55, 58–61, 62–63; Schindler’s List (1994), 55, 63–66; Seven Beauties (1975), 55, 61–63; Shine (1996), 56, 70–72; The Shipping News (2001), 69–70, 159; Three Colors: Red (1994), 56, 57, 66–69; 2001: A Space Odyssey (2000), 55; Z (1969), 55, 56–58
Montand, Yves, 57
Montgomery, Robert, 74
Moore, Graham, 151
Moravia, Alberto, 15–16
Morricone, Ennio, 10, 168n7
Morrison, Jim, 80
Mouzanar, Khaled, 117
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 48, 88–89
Mueller-Stahl, Armin, 51, 71
Murch, Walter, 37, 81–82, 137
Music Box, The (1989), 58
Mussolini, Benito, 18, 61, 63
Myth of Eternal Return, The (Eliade), 150
Nagle, Margaret, 121
Naked Kiss, The (1964), 4
Nashville (1975), 39, 96
National Society of Film Critics, 69
Neeson, Liam, 65
Neill, Sam, 46
Nemes, László, 88
New German Cinema, 21, 41
Newman,Thomas, 155
Newsweek, 26
New Yorker, 112–113
New York Film Critics Circle, 56, 69
New York Times, 80, 97
New York University, Center for French Civilization and Culture, 27, 31
Niccol, Andrew, 146; Good Kill (2015), 73, 92–95
Nichols, Mike: The Graduate (1967), 40, 73, 76–77, 158–159; Postcards from the Edge (1990), 172n7
Night and Fog (1956), 58, 60
Night Moves (1975), 75–76
Nin, Anaïs, 27
1900 (1976), 76
Nixon, Richard M., 31–33
Nolte, Nick, 133–134, 135
Noose, The (1958), 123
North by Northwest (1959), 7
Norton, Edward, 156, 157–158
Nowicki, Jan, 123
Nykvist, Sven, 26
Nyman, Michael, 45
Oedipus Rex (Sophocles), 30
Okada, Eiji, 60
Olbrychski, Daniel, 24
Olin, Lena, 27, 29
Olivier, Olivier (1992), 49
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975), 75
On the Waterfront (1954), 74, 122
Oppenheimer, Joshua: Act of Killing (2012), 4; The Look of Silence (2015), 4–5
Orff, Carl, 161
Orwell, George, 93
Our Daily Bread (1934), 96
overtures, nature of, 5–6, 163
Pakula, Alan J.: All the President’s Men (1976), 31–33, 58, 63, 141; The Parallax View (1974), 75, 141
Palahniuk, Chuck, 156
Paquin, Anna, 45, 168n7
Parallax View, The (1974), 75, 141
“Parlami d’amore Mariù” (song), 104
Past, The (2013), 116
Paths of Glory (1957), 3–4
Pawnbroker, The (1964), 61
Penchenat, Jean-Claude, 101
Penn, Arthur, 75–76
People’s Choice Audience Award, 116
Perez, Rosie, 11
Perkins, Anthony, 145, 146
Perrin, Jacques, 57–58
Phantom of Liberty, The (1974), 76
Pianist, The (2002), 53
Piano, The (1993), 44–47, 45, 168n7
Picasso, Pablo, 25, 60
Pina Bausch Dance Company, 8
Pink Panther films, 6–7, 165–166n4
Pitt, Brad, 156
Piven, Jeremy, 40
Plato, 19
Player, The (1992), 39–40, 40
point of view, 73–95; Apocalypse Now (1979), 73, 80–84; claustrophobic, 74–75; Come and See (1985), 73, 84–89; film technology and, 73, 76; foregrounding subjectivity, 84–89; Good Kill (2015), 73, 92–95; The Graduate (1967), 73, 76–77; The Hurt Locker (2009), 92, 93–94; Lebanon (2009), 73, 89–92, 93; protagonist types, 73–74, 75–76; Taxi Driver (1976), 73, 78–80
Polanski, Roman, 57; Chinatown (1974), 75, 141; Knife in the Water (1962), 8–9; The Pianist (2002), 53
Pontecorvo, Gillo, 96
Porter, Cole, 142
“Por una cabeza” (song), 66
Postcards from the Edge (1990), 172n7
Preis, Kinga, 50
Preminger, Otto, 6
Presley, Elvis, 161
Primal Fear (1996), 156
Promised Land, The (1975), 76
Proulx, Annie, 69
Psycho (1960), 1–2, 6, 37, 78, 122, 143, 144–146, 146
Public Enemy, 11
Pulp Fiction (1994), 125, 150–151
Purcell, Henry, 53
Queen, The (2006), 3
“Quelli che” (song), 61–62
Quills (2000), 2–3, 27–28, 141
Raging Bull (1980), 5
“Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” (song), 129
Redford, Robert, 32
Reds (1981), 17, 159
Remember My Name (1978), 96
Renner, Jeremy, 93–94
Renoir, Jean, 13, 16, 35; Grand Illusion (1937), 56; Rules of the Game (1939), 96, 116
Requiem (Mozart), 88–89
Resheff, Rachel, 100
Resnais, Alain: Hiroshima, mon amour (1959), 12, 55, 58–61, 62–63; Night and Fog (1956), 58, 60
Return of Martin Guerre, The (1982), 26
Return of the Secaucus 7 (1980), 96
“Ride of the Valkyries” (Wagner), 83–84
Right Stuff, The (1983), 12, 97, 141
Riker, David, La Ciudad (The City) (1999), 98–99
Rimland, Samuel, 133
Rising Sun (1993), 122, 141–144, 143
Rising Sun (Crichton), 141, 143
Ritchie, Michael, 74
Riva, Emmanuelle, 58, 59–60
Robbins, Tim, 40, 40
Roberts, Julia, 40
Rohmer, Éric, 60
Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 127
Rossellini, Roberto, 35
Ross, Katharine, 76
Rota, Nino, 10
Rudolph, Alan, 96
Rules of the Game (1939), 96, 116
Rush, Geoffrey, 71
Rush, Richard, The Stunt Man (1980), 172n7
Sade, Marquis de, 2–3, 27–28, 141
Salamon, Julie, 40
Sanda, Dominique, 16
Sanders, James, 79–80
Saragossa Manuscript, The (1965), 123
Sarah, 132
Sardi, Jan, 70–72
Sartzetakis, Christos, 57
Saul Bass (Horak), 6
Saura, Carlos, 17
Sayles, John, 96
Schindler, Oskar, 63–66
Schindler’s List (1994), 55, 63–66, 64
Schindler’s List (Keneally), 63
Schlöndorff, Volker, The Tin Drum (1979), 14, 21–26, 27, 44
Schneider, Paul, 48
Schrader, Paul, 78
Schroeder, Barbet, 42
Schulz, Bruno, 123–124
Scola, Ettore, Le Bal (1983), 101–107, 121
Scorsese, Martin, 75; Taxi Driver (1976), 73, 78–80, 159
Scott, A. O., 97, 111
Se7en (1995), 7
Searchers, The (1956), 129
Seconds (1966), 6–7
Secret Garden, The (1993), 49
Seitz, Franz, 21
Selimović, Meša, 126
Semprún, Jorge, 56
Separation, A (2011), 111–116, 113, 121
Šerbedžija, Rade, 125
Seven Beauties (1975), 55, 61–63
Seven Year Itch, The (1955), 6
Sevilla Aho, Susana, 7
Shahbazi, Ali-Asghar, 112
Shakespeare, William, 126–127
Shamoon, David F., 50
Shampoo (1975), 75
Shani, Yaron, Ajami (2009), 97, 124, 129–133
Sheen, Martin, 80, 83, 1
59, 160, 161
Shelton, Ron, 133
Shepitko, Larissa, 89
Shine (1996), 56, 70–72, 170n9
Shipping News, The (2001), 56, 69–70, 70, 159
Shipping News, The (Proulx), 69
Shoah (1985), 89
Simon and Garfunkel, 77
Simpson, Geoffrey, 170n9
Skonieczny, Krzysztof, 51
Slaughterhouse-Five (Vonnegut), 86–88
Sluiter, Alies, 168n7
Smile (1975), 75
Snipes, Wesley, 141
Sobociński, Piotr, 67–69
Socha, Leopold, 50
Somoza, Anastasio, 133–134
Son of Saul (2015), 88
Sophocles, 30
Soufrière, La (1977), 41
“Sound of Silence, The” (song), 77
Source, The (2011), 119–121
“Soy infeliz” (I am unhappy; song), 7
Spacek, Sissy, 159, 161, 162
Spacey, Kevin, 69–70, 70, 153–154, 155
Spielberg, Steven: Catch Me If You Can (2002), 7; Schindler’s List (1994), 55, 63–66
Spottiswoode, Roger, Under Fire (1983), 122, 133–137
Sprecher, Jill, 97–98
Sprecher, Karen, 97–98
Starkweather, Charles, 160
State of Siege (1972), 58
Steiger, Rod, 61
Steiner, Max, 36
Stewart, Alexandra, 110
Stillman, Whit, 104
Stoler, Shirley, 62
Storaro, Vittorio, 17
Storm Center (1956), 6, 78
Story of Adele H, The (1975), 76
“Stranger Song, The” (song), 10
Stunt Man, The (1980), 172n7
Sturges, Preston, 146
Sullivan’s Travels (1941), 146
Sundance Film Festival, 99
Sunset Boulevard (1950), 1–2, 40, 151–153, 153
Suvari, Mena, 154
Swanson, Gloria, 152
Tagawa, Cary-Hiroyuki, 141–142, 143
Talented Mr. Ripley, The, 12
Talk to Her (2002), 7–8
Tarantino, Quentin, Pulp Fiction (1994), 125, 150–151
Taxi Driver (1976), 73, 78–80, 79, 159
Telluride Film Festival, 42, 52, 53
Thalbach, Katharina, 24
Théâtre du Campagnol, 101
Theodorakis, Mikis, 56, 58
Thieves Like Us (1974), 75
“Things Are Not What They Seem” (video essay), 7
Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her (2000), 97
Thin Red Line, The (1998), 88
13 Conversations About One Thing (2002), 97–98
Thomson, David, 149
3 Backyards (2010), 99–101, 100
Three Colors: Red (1994), 12, 56, 57, 66–69, 68
Time of the Gypsies (1988), 10–11
Tin Drum, The (1979), 14, 21–26, 23, 27, 44
Tin Drum, The (Grass), 21–22
To Be or Not to Be (1942), 146
Tolkin, Michael, 39–40
Toronto Film Festival, 116
Touch of Evil (1958), 36–39, 81, 167n2
Towers, Constance, 4
Tree of Life (2011), 162